Culture of Caring

On the Bright Side

Have you seen the good news about the drop in suicide deaths for 2019? Something happened to cause the decrease for the first time in 20 years.

What are we doing right? I think we’re finally talking out loud about suicide. Struggles with mental illness, trauma, and other causes are being discussed openly. The stigma is losing its grip. Lots of people are learning about warning signs and risk factors, especially teachers, students, and parents. Kids are more willing to tell on each other —in a good way. They’re learning that it’s better to try to get help for a friend than to lose one to suicide.

So whatever you are doing to increase awareness about suicide prevention, please keep doing it! It is working. Even though data for 2020 will be different because of the pandemic, if we keep talking about it in 2021, 2022, 2023, and beyond, I believe we can make a difference!   

If you or someone you know someone who is struggling, put these numbers in the contacts list on your phone. You are not alone. Help is just a phone call or text message away. 

    • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1.800.273.8255 (TALK)
    • The Trevor Lifeline – 1.866.488.7386
    • Crisis Text Line – 741741

Learn about suicide prevention for schools.

Register for a free webinar on March 31, 2021.

What K-12 School Leaders Need to Know About Suicide Prevention

and read

 A Culture of Caring; A Suicide Prevention Guide for Schools (K-12)

A Culture of Caring: A Suicide Prevention Guide for Schools (K-12) was created as a resource for educators who want to know how to get started and what steps to take to create a suicide prevention plan that will work for their schools and districts. It is written from my perspective as a school principal and survivor of suicide loss, not an expert in psychology or counseling. I hope that any teacher, school counselor, psychologist, principal, or district administrator can pick up this book, flip to a chapter, and easily find helpful answers to the questions they are likely to have about what schools can do to prevent suicide.

Theodora Schiro